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  Sun Signs  
Aries Taurus Gemini Sagittarius Libra Scorpio
Aries Taurus Gemini Sagittarius Libra Scorpio
Scorpio Leo Virgo Capricon Aquarius Pisces
Cancer Leo Virgo Capricorn Aquarius Pisces
Libra (September 24 to October 23)

american diamondYou are intelligent and your strife and tussle is in the inner direction; you challenge yourself and try to achieve whatever you want, so any intellectual feet is expected more from you than from anyone else. But the balancing and comparing attitude of yours keeps you aloof from Quality Company; you might lose even the few friends you make in due course. You can be quite influential and tactful in your interactions with people but at the same time indecisive and yielding.

Librans are elegance, charm and good taste, are naturally kind, very gentle, and lovers of beauty, harmony (both in music and social living) and the pleasures that these bring. This also shows that you are apt for giving justice, whatever that might mean to you. These are the symbolic attributes; other than these, you have many other qualities that are not as highlighted. They have good critical faculty and are able to stand back and look impartially at matters which call for an impartial judgment to be made on them. But they do not tolerate argument from anyone who challenges their opinions, for once they have reached a conclusion, its truth seems to them self-evident; and among their faults is an impatience of criticism and a greed for approval. But their characters are on the whole balanced, diplomatic and even tempered.

Librans are sensitive to the needs of others and have the gift, sometimes to an almost psychic extent, of understanding the emotional needs of their companions and meeting them with their own innate optimism - they are the kind of people of whom it is said, "They always make you feel better for having been with them." They are very social human beings. They loathe cruelty, viciousness and vulgarity and detest conflict between people, so they do their best to cooperate and compromise with everyone around them, and their ideal for their own circle and for society as a whole is unity.
Scorpio (October 24 to November 22)

american diamondScorpios are the most intense, profound, powerful characters in the zodiac. Even when they appear self-controlled and calm there is a seething intensity of emotional energy under the placid exterior. They are like the volcano not far under the surface of a calm sea, it may burst into eruption at any moment. But those of us who are particularly perceptive will be aware of the harnessed aggression, the immense forcefulness, magnetic intensity, and often strangely hypnotic personality under the tranquil, but watchful composure of Scorpio. In conventional social gatherings they are pleasant to be with, thoughtful in conversation, dignified, and reserved, yet affable and courteous; they sometimes possess penetrating eyes which make their shyer companions feel naked and defenseless before them.

You are the symbol of courage and power, and this is certainly accompanied by foresight, intelligence and power, along the freedom that this power provides.Your vision gives you the power to see farther than your comrades and opponents. And this provides you with the power to strike down those you oppose you, figuratively. Adventure lures and you and finds you wherever you are, and this intrinsically makes you a leader, as you dare to tread where no one else dares to go. You have a great stamina, and as I talked about, you are a deadly adversary.

They can harness their abundant energy constructively, tempering their self-confidence with shrewdness and their ambition with magnanimity toward others provided they like them. They relate to fellow workers only as leaders and can be blunt to those they dislike to the point of cruelty. In fact they are not above expressing vindictiveness in deliberate cruelty. They are too demanding, too unforgiving of faults in others, perhaps because they are not aware of the shortcomings within themselves, and extravagantly express their self-disgust in unreasonable resentment against their fellows.

You expect total loyalty and sincerity from your friends, as you give the same to them and you are not that easily deceived, because of your superior vision. You are brilliant and tactical in your business, but run the risk of appearing, and even being deceitful and surreptitious. You are quite dedicated and sensible, but still in some known or unknown way, you tend to yourself in jeopardy. But still, you will succeed a lot in life, and also make a lot many enemies in the process, but they are innocuous and only cause anxiety. You receive cooperation from your coworkers and subordinates and satisfaction from your family.
Sagittarius (November 23 to December 22)

american diamondSagittarians are usually modest and are often religious, with a strong sense of morality, though they tend to overemphasize the ethical codes they follow and worship beliefs about God rather than God Himself. This means that, negatively, they regard rigid, unloving, intolerant adherence to ritual and conventional codes as more important than the truths they symbolize or embody. They sometimes pay lip service to religions and political parties in which they have ceased to believe because the outward forms satisfy them, yet they may not hesitate to switch allegiance in politics or change their system of belief if they see personal advantage to themselves in doing so.

Sagittarians are ardent, sincere and straightforward in love, normally conventional and in control of their sexual natures. Yet if thwarted, they may easily allow their failure to embitter their whole lives or they may revenge themselves upon the opposite sex by becoming cynically promiscuous. They are more apt then the average to make an uncongenial alliance. You have a huge self-respect that works in a inward sense and makes you quite independent and straight-forward. You also have a generous and nature-loving side to yourself that is not quite noticed. Your idealistic nature makes you very frank and fearless, but it also makes you tactless, unsophisticated and inconsistent in your work. Also, your impatience and boastful aggression help the situation. Perhaps a little more patience and sensibility will help you in your professional and domestic spheres.

Sagittarians have a positive outlook on life, are full of enterprise, energy, versatility, adventurousness and eagerness to extend experience beyond the physically familiar. They enjoy travelling and exploration, the more so because their minds are constantly open to new dimensions of thought. They are basically ambitious and optimistic, and continue to be so even when their hopes are dashed. Their strongly idealistic natures can also suffer many disappointments without being affected. They are honorable, honest, trustworthy, truthful, generous and sincere, with a passion for justice. They are usually on the side of the underdog in society they will fight for any cause they believe to be just, and are prepared to be rebellious. They balance loyalty with independence.
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